Gas Emergency Credit
In a situation where you can't Top Up your gas? Don't worry, we've got your back! Gas Emergency Credit Is a €20 advance, paid back from future Top Ups. To activate Gas Emergency Credit when your balance drops to a low level, please follow the steps below:
Step 1: Put gas card into meter, make sure the gold coloured chip on card is facing towards the meter display, you'll then see 'EmCr AVAILABLE' on screen.

Step 2: Press red 'A' button to accept Emergency Credit

Step 3: €20 Emergency Credit then added. Remember Emergency Credit has to be repaid before active again.

Step 4: To check how much of the €20 Emergency Credit you have used, remove the Gas Card from your meter and press and hold the red 'A' button.

Step 5: Any debt on meter? Press 'A' button twice to show how much Emergency Credit AND Standing Charges you owe. Any arrears will also be shown included in the amount.

Repaying Gas Emergency Credit
You'll need to have paid back any Gas Emergency Credit you used before it's available again. Find out how Gas Emergency Credit is repaid here.