Just a 1° drop in your temperature setting can lead to a 10% reduction in your heating bill!
If your thermostat is set to more than 20° then it’s too high
You weren’t born in a barn, close the doors behind you!
Make sure that you or your landlord gets your heating system serviced once a year.
Feel a draught inside? Plug them when you can, pull the curtains closed, use a draft excluder.
Lights can use up to 11% of your annual energy costs.
If you’re using older light bulbs swap them out for energy efficient LED or CFL bulbs. CFL bulbs are 80% more efficient than regular bulbs and last significantly longer.
Select the lowest wattage bulb you can that will light the space to your requirements.
Turn them off when you leave the room.
Most TVs are quite energy efficient, but you can still save money by not leaving them on stand-by and turning them off at the mains at night or off fully when not using them.
The bigger the TV, the more electricity it uses, do you really need the 52”?
The brighter the screen the more energy you’re using, why not try turning down the brightness a bit?
Even the most efficient 60” television is still more expensive to run per year against the lowest rated 32” television. Choosing a smaller television generally means choosing a more efficient television.
Charge your phone before you go to bed, don’t leave it charging all night long!
Computers/Games Consoles
Just like your TV, when you're not using them, turn them off fully, and turn them off at the mains at night.
The brighter the screen the more energy you’re using, why not try turning down the brightness a bit?
Laptops are designed to be more efficient than their desktop big brothers. So why not go for a laptop instead of a bigger desktop P.C.? Better still, go for a tablet for even more energy efficiency!
Electric Scooters
Enjoy scooting around town? You could be using up to 200KWH every year charging your scooter, this could be costing you around €35 a year, can you charge the scooter at work during the day? Or what about getting a push bike instead?