Estimated Annual Bill FAQs



What is an EAB?

EAB stands for "Estimated Annual Bill". It is a simple indicator that customers can use to compare and contrast tariffs from the same Supplier or between different Supplier tariffs. In a nutshell, it allows customers to compare “apples with apples”.



Is the Estimated Annual Bill calculated at a Customer Level or a tariff level?

The EAB is calculated at a tariff level. In PrepayPower we have 5 different tariffs and subsequently each has its own EAB. The EAB is not a calculation of your specific usage or usage history.



Is the Estimated Annual Bill exactly what I will pay for a year in energy costs?

No, as the name suggests, it is an estimated value based on the CRU’s typical annual consumption figures for gas and electricity. You may pay more or less than this typical rate depending on your energy use.



How does PrepayPower Calculate the Estimated Annual Bill?

(a) For electricity we calculate as follows:

The estimated annual bill for Nightsaver tariffs is calculated assuming 62% of electricity is consumed during the day and 38% is consumed at night.

(Unit Rate x CRU typical annual electricity consumption value) + (Standing Charge + Service Charge + PSO) x 365



24 H Unit Rate 

Day Unit Rate

Night Unit Rate

Peak Unit Rate

CRU Avg Elec Consumption

 Standing Charge

Service Charge 




24 Hr Urban Standard30.84c      4,200 kwh    93.89c  45.04c00.00c €1,760.08€1,918.71
24 Hr Rural Standard30.84c      4,200 kwh   €1.2269  45.04c00.00c €1,856.55€2,023.86
Urban Nightsaver Standard  34.15c16.86c    4,200 kwh   €1.2501  45.04c00.00c €1,727.85 €1,883.35
Rural Nightsaver Standard 34.15c16.86c    4,200 kwh   €1.4794  45.04c00.00c €1,804.64 €1,967.06
Urban Time of Use Day/Night/Peak 34.12c17.69c38.34c   4,200 kwh   93.89c  45.04c00.00c €1,645.01 €1,793.06
Rural Time of Use Day/Night/Peak 34.12c17.69c38.34c   4,200 kwh   €1.2269  45.04c00.00c €1,779.52 €1,939.68

Where price includes VAT, above, this is calculated at 9%. *The current daily standing charge reflects the Public Service Obligation (PSO) Levy refund of €0.00. The daily rate is calculated for 365 days. Effective 1st of October 2024, the Public Service Obligation (PSO) Levy will increase to €42.25 inc. VAT (€38.76 ex. VAT) annually.


(b) For gas we calculate as follows:

((Unit Rate + Carbon Tax) x (CRU typical annual electricity consumption value)) + (Standing Charge + Service Charge) x 365

TariffUnit Rate*Carbon Tax*CRU Typical Annual Gas Consumption ValueStanding Charge*Service Charge*EAB (ex. VAT*)EAB (incl. VAT)
PrepayGas 11.34c  1.1c 11,000 kwh 43.00c 19.42c€1,463.02€1,595.13

* Price includes VAT at 9%

The daily rate is calculated for 365 days.

What is the CRU published Typical Annual Electricity Consumption Values for gas and electricity?

Year GasElec
2017/201811,000 kWh4,200 kWh

All Participants (suppliers) in the Electricity and gas industry will use these industry indicative values to calculate their EAB.